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All About South Park Speaks

SPSv3 is the best free internet wav player on the planet. This program is the freeware version of the Tsunami Wav Player. This program can do everything that Tsunami can – except that it is limited playing 10 external sounds and 3 TSUs at any one time. (Click here for more info on TSUs )

The best thing about this wav player is that is can play sounds from your wav library and from specially complied sound libraries (TSUs) "in the background" while you work at your computer.  The program sits in your system tray (the place in Win9x and WinNT where your clock is) and will play a sound from the play list randomly at set intervals. The player is highly configurable and will never be obsolete (unless MP3 completely takes over the web and wav files fade from existence).

We stress that before using SPSv3 you read our disclaimer . And if you have any questions and are not asleep after reading that – read it again till you do fall asleep. Also – while all the coding to make this program work is copyrighted by KeyBoard Jockeys and the South Park Speaks development squad, South Park and the South Park Crew are property of Matt, Trey and Comedy Central. These people have big expensive lawyers and could squash us like bugs if they so desired. So we hope that this player does not tick them off. We are providing this player as entertainment only and in no way are attempting to usurp or tread on their copyrights. We are just taking the FANAFI approach – find a need and fill it.

If you want to host the TSUs and South Park Speaks version 3 on your own site, please feel free to do so. Please read out linking to us information first.

You should always be able to find the latest version of this player here.  We will also be storing all the South Park TSUs we create there. We hope to release several new TSUs a month so check there often for new releases.

The Tsunami Web Pages will host all the other TSUs we create. These TSUs will play in both SPSv3 and Tsunami.

We hope you enjoy the experience!

The South Park Speaks Development Team

P.S. If you really like this player and want to have 'unlimited' number of external sounds and 'unlimited' number of TSUs, get your wallet out and buy the Tsunami Wav Player. Its only $7.

Questions? Comments? Rassberries or Applause? Read the FAQ, then send us mail.... SPSinfo@Baratta.com

South Park and the South Park Crew are copy righted by people with very powerful lawyers - which we sincerely hope we are not pissing off. We are just humble coders that want to bring to the masses such wonderful, innovative and twisted work. (Is that enough grovelling and butt kissing to keep my savings account for better uses then defending myself in court?) VIsit Comedy Central for the Official South Park Site.